Child Safety Code of Conduct
for Quantum Education Staff, Volunteers, and any other members involved in our Community
Central to our mission, Quantum Education (QE) has an unequivocal commitment to fostering the dignity, self-esteem and integrity of children, and providing them with a safe, supportive and enriching environment to develop spiritually, physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially.
Safeguarding Children Code of Conduct
The QE Child Safety Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviour of adults with children in our community. All QE staff, volunteers, contractors, service providers and any other adult involved in child-connected work must follow the Child Safety Code of Conduct. The Child Safety Code of Conduct applies to all physical and online environments used by students, as well as other locations provided by QE for student use.
As QE staff, volunteers, contractors, and any other member of our school community involved in child-connected work, we are responsible for supporting and promoting the safety of children by:
Adhering to QE Child-Safe Policy and always upholding the commitment to child safety
Taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse
Reporting any allegations of child abuse to the Principal
Treating everyone in QE community with respect, modelling positive and respectful relationships, and acting in a manner that sustains a safe and educational environment
Addressing conflict and discipline matters through restorative processes
Listening and responding to the views and concerns of children, particularly if they are telling you that they or another child have been/are being abused or that they are worried about their safety or the safety of another child
If an allegation of child abuse is made, ensuring as quickly as possible that the child{ren) are safe
No make-up lessons are to be offered due to students’ absence in group classes. However, considering the special circumstances, we can provide a 7-day video replay of online class records for students who ask for leave.
Acceptable behaviours
As QE staff, volunteers, contractors and member of QE community involved in child-connected work, we must NOT:
ignore or disregard any concerns, suspicions or disclosures of child abuse or harm
develop a relationship with any student that could be seen as favouritism or amount to ‘grooming’ behaviour (for example, the offering of gifts, special treatment for specific children, use of nicknames)
display behaviours or engage with students in ways that are not justified by the educational or professional context
ignore an adult’s overly familiar or inappropriate behaviour towards a student
initiate unnecessary physical contact with children or do things of a personal nature that a child can do for themselves, such as toileting or changing clothes
discuss intimate topics or use sexualised language, except when needed to deliver the curriculum or professional guidance
treat a child or student unfavourably because of their disability, age, gender, race, culture, vulnerability, ethnicity
communicate directly with a student or their family through personal or private contact channels (including by social media, email, instant messaging, texting etc) unless approved by the Principal, except where there is a safety concern or other urgent matter
photograph or video a child or young person without the consent of the parent or guardians
consume alcohol against school policy or take illicit drugs in the class environment
have contact with any student outside of class hours, except when needed to deliver the QE curriculum or professional guidance.
exchange personal contact details such as personal phone number, social networking sites or email addresses.
Unacceptable behaviour
Non-compliance with this Code of Conduct may be grounds for disciplinary action. Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, disciplinary action can include termination of employment. All breaches and suspected breaches of the QE Child Safety Code of Conduct must be reported to the principal.
Consequences of Breaching this Policy
The Code of Conduct was created by Quantum Education in February 2023 and will be reviewed by the Principal every two years or upon advice that legislation relating to such matters requires immediate change of policy.